
Dr. Drummond gained a Doctorate of Philosophy (D.Phil.) from the University of Oxford where, during the first ozone crisis in the early 1970s, he made some of the first measurements of nitrogen oxides in the stratosphere using high-altitude balloons. He was a professor at the University of Toronto from 1979-2006 and then moved to Dalhousie University to take up his current position as the Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Remote Sounding of Atmospheres.
His research field is in studies of atmospheric composition, with a penchant for making measurements in extreme environments. He began with measurements from balloons during his graduate studies and then progressed to satellite measurements and more recently to studies in the Canadian High Arctic.
He is the Principal Investigator of the Measurements Of Pollution In the Troposphere (MOPITT) satellite experiment to measure carbon monoxide in the troposphere that has been taking continuous global measurements since 1999. MOPITT was one of the first instruments to measure pollutants from space. He is also a co-investigator on both of the instruments on the Canadian SCISAT Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) for ozone studies with an emphasis on Northern latitudes. His ultimate space ambition is to make measurements of the atmosphere of Mars.
As the Principal Investigator of the Canadian Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Change (CANDAC) he has led the university and government scientific team that equipped the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) at Eureka, Nunavut (80N, 86W) for atmospheric research since 2005.
Phone: 902-494-2324
Dalhousie University

Robert J. Sica is a geophysicist whose research focus is on atmospheric dynamics and the effects of dynamics on constituent chemistry such as ozone, water vapor and aerosols. He is also interested in the exchange of air between the lower and upper atmosphere and its consequences for air quality on the surface. He investigates these problems primarily by using lidars (laser radars).
Phone: (519) 661-3521
The University of Western Ontario

Norm O’Neill is a co-founder of the AEROCAN network (a sub-network of AERONET) and the founder of a small pan-Canadian network of starphotometers. His spectral deconvolution (SDA) algorithm is employed in the production of a standard, Level 2 product as part of the AERONET processing chain. The optical division of aerosols (specifically aerosol optical depth) into sub and super micron sizes and the coherency of these retrievals with analogous parameter profiles from Lidar data has been a research focus of O'Neill's over the past few years. He is also the mentor of the photometry suite at PEARL and has been a PI or co-PI of numerous aerosol remote sensing projects.
Phone: 819-821-8000 ext-62965
Université de Sherbrooke

Kimberly Strong is a Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Toronto, and was appointed Director of the University’s new School of the Environment in July 2013. Her expertise is in atmospheric remote sounding using ground-based, balloon-borne, and satellite instruments for studies of stratospheric ozone chemistry, climate, and air quality. She is the Deputy PI and Theme Leader for the PAHA (Probing the Atmosphere of the High Arctic) network, which runs the PEARL facility on Ellesmere Island. She is also Director of the NSERC CREATE Training Program in Arctic Atmospheric Science; founder of the University of Toronto Atmospheric Observatory; Co-I on the ACE and Odin satellite missions; and PI of the Canadian FTIR Observing Network.
Phone: 416-946-3217
University of Toronto

Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
Executive Secretary, Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies
B.Sc. 1st Class Hons. (University of Canterbury, N.Z.) 1962
Ph.D. (University of Canterbury, N.Z.) 1965
Dr. Manson's research interests lie in the area of the Earth's middle atmosphere and thermosphere (20-150 km): dynamics, chemistry, aeronomy and coupling processes. There are 3 main thrusts:
- Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere using Radars Dr. Manson and his colleague, Dr. Chris Meek (Research Associate), have been contributing for over 30 years to the development and operation of radars (Medium Frequency, MF, 2-3 MHz) for the sensing of winds, waves [atmospheric gravity, planetary and tidal] and electron densities in the middle atmosphere (50-110 km). They use advanced technologies, and sophisticated analysis methods, for the real-time production of winds profiles (3 km, 5 min sampling). These advances are applied to the main MF radar near Saskatoon 52N…also to other smaller MF radars. Since 1987 one is at Ramfjordmoen (70N, Norway) beside the EISCAT facility and its Meteor Radar, also near ~100km the radars and lidars of ALOMAR/Andenes. Drs Manson and Meek are also the “mentors” [principle investigators] of the Arctic Meteor Wind/Temperature Radar at Eureka (80N, Canada).
- Dynamics of the Middle Atmosphere/ Thermosphere The "Atmospheric Dynamics Group" has now archived almost three solar cycles of winds data. These data are analyzed by advanced spectral techniques to allow process-studies and to obtain climatologies of tidal, planetary and gravity waves. They have spatial scales of 10-10,000 km, and periods of minutes to many days. They interact with the atmosphere and each other in complex, non-linear fashions. Such waves have sources in the lower atmosphere or troposphere, associated with the ozone layer, water vapour, the Arctic Polar Vortex, jet-stream and thunderstorms. Together they redistribute energy, momentum and gaseous-minor constituents and pollutants throughout the entire 100 km-thick atmosphere of the planet. Radar and satellite data (Odin-OSIRIS, Aura-MLS, SCISAT-ACE and TIMED) are archived and used to study regional and global Atmospheric Processes Of Climate and its Change (APOCC).
- Canadian Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Change (CANDAC), Global Programs Dr Manson is a Co-Investigator within the CANDAC Polar Environment Atmospheric Laboratory (PEARL) located on Ellesmere Island and “mentor” of its Meteor Radar (80N). Our theme in PAHA is the disturbed Polar Vortex and their effects upon our weather and climate. He continues activity within SCOSTEP and its VarSITI 2014-18: Variability of the Sun and Terrestrial Impact. Global arrays of radars (MF/meteor), opticals, satellite systems and Global Models GCM with Assimilation are used.
Telephone: (306) 966-6449
Facsimile: (306) 966-6428

Kaley Walker is the Deputy Mission Scientist for the Canadian SCISAT/ACE satellite mission and Professor of Physics at the University of Toronto. She has more than seventeen years of experience in atmospheric remote sensing using infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy and development of instrumentation for ground-based, balloon-borne and satellite-based measurements.
Prior to this, she was trained and worked for four years in the area of high-resolution microwave and millimeter-wave spectroscopy and laboratory instrument development.
Prof. Walker is Theme Leader for Satellite Validation within the PAHA (Probing the Atmosphere of the High Arctic) network. She has co-led fourteen springtime Arctic campaigns at PEARL in Eureka, Nunavut to support validation of the ACE and OSIRIS satellite instruments (since 2004).
Phone: 416-978-8218
University of Toronto

Rachel Chang is an assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science at Dalhousie University and Tier II Canada Research Chair in Atmospheric Science.
Her research is motivated by atmospheric processes that take place in marine and polar environments, with an emphasis on the sources, transport and loss processes of atmospheric aerosol particles in these regions. At the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) in Eureka, she collaborates with Patrick Hayes on in-situ measurements of aerosol chemical and physical properties.
Dalhousie University

Patrick Hayes is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at Université de Montréal. His expertise is in the analysis of aerosol (i.e. airborne particulate matter or PM) chemistry and sources using both in situ ground-based instruments as well as modeling approaches. The goal of the Hayes Group’s research is to better understand how these aerosols impact both climate change and air quality in Canada’s Northern Regions. In addition to the measurements at the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL), Professor Hayes and his students have studied dust storms in the Yukon and the formation of polluting aerosols by vapors emitted from the Athabasca oil sands.
Professor Hayes works directly with scientists at Environment and Climate Change Canada in order to incorporate his group’s research results into Canada’s current operational air quality forecast model: Global Environmental Multiscale – Modeling Air quality and Chemistry (GEM-MACH). These improvements allow better forecasting of air quality throughout Canada and also help to quantify the various sources of air pollution.
Université de Montréal

Jean-Pierre Blanchet is a professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences of the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM). He is a member of the Institute for Environmental Sciences (UQAM) and director of the Centre for study and climate simulations at the regional scale (ESCER). From 1974 to 1990, he worked at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) as a research meteorologist and as a scientist. For 12 years, he was responsible for developing cloud and radiation schemes for the first two generations of the Canadian GCM. He has been responsible for the development of the NLTE infrared radiation and solar radiation schemes in the Canadian Middle Atmospheric Model (CMAM). He has led, as principal co-investigators, the Northern Aerosols Regional Climate Model (NARCM) Network to simulate the first explicit aerosol scheme (12 size bins and 5 species) in a regional climate model. Expert in arctic aerosols and clouds processes in climate models, his research focuses on the intricate feedback processes involving aerosols, clouds, radiation, and precipitation in the Arctic climate system. He was a member of the European Space Agency (ESA) joint mission advisory comity (JMAG) on Earth Cloud-Aerosol-Radiation Experiment (EarthCARE) and is a member of the science team on the NASA-CSA CloudSat mission. He has developed an early passive/active satellite instruments simulator to analyze Earth Radiation Mission (ERM) for ESA and CloudSat-Picasso data in CRCM for CSA, and of cloud-resolving models (CRM) embedded into CRCM as part of the MOC2 (CFCAS) initiative, and for development of a physically based Instrument Simulator for EarthCARE. He has collaborated with JPL on applications of MLS instruments into CRCM/NARCM. He was investigator in CSOLAS, responsible for coupling a prognostic bio-emission source of DMS from the ocean, called NODEM, to NARCM to improve the simulation of natural aerosols in the atmosphere.
He is a member of the advisory committee on the atmosphere (ASAC) at CSA. He is currently investigating the far IR radiometry for applications to microphysics measurements of thin ice cloud and the water cycle in the high latitudes. He is lead investigator of the Thin Ice Cloud in Far IR Experiment (TICFIRE) as part of the candidates for a future polar satellite.
Phone:514-987-3000 ext 3316
Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère
Université du Québec a Montréal (UQÀM)