
Andrew Hall has been with CANDAC since July 2019 acting as a site operator at PEARL. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from Laurentian University. When not in Eureka, Andrew spends most of his time in Ontario camping & fishing.

John Gallagher has been a CANDAC site operator at PEARL (Eureka, NU) since June 2017. John is a meteorologist who has specialized in mountain meteorology, air quality, and polar climatology, with an emphasis on data collection and quality control. John earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology at the University of Utah and a Master of Science degree in Geography at the University of British Columbia. His work experiences in the high latitudes have brought him to northern Alaska, Greenland, and Antarctica, including two winters at the South Pole. While not in the polar regions, John lives in British Columbia, where he enjoys spending time in the mountains skiing, hiking, and trail running.

I am the CANDAC/PEARL site manager responsible for over-seeing day-to-day operations on site and the organization of visits, campaigns, etc. to the PEARL site. My research instruments include infra-red spectroscopic measurements of atmospheric composition. Techniques used include both "transmission" where the infra-red energy transmitted through the atmosphere is measured , as well as "emission" where the energy is actually emitted by the atmosphere itself. These measurements are usually carried out by using a Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectrometer. Non CANDAC/PEARL areas of research include similar measurements from other locations and from stratospheric balloon platforms. I have an interest in related spectroscopic measurement techniques including long-path FTIR.
Phone: 416-978-8991
University of Toronto Department of Physics
Yan has more than twenty years of experience in data management working through his career as a geophysicist, meteorological engineer, programmer, research associate, database administrator and data manager. He participated in several International research data management projects such as MEDAR/MEDATLAS II and Sea-Search. Yan joined the CANDAC team in September 2007 as a Data Manager.
Phone: 902-494-6937
Dalhousie University