Ridge Lab

Ridge Lab Ridge Lab

The Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory, PEARL, is a CANDAC facility for atmospheric research in the Arctic. Operating continuously since 2005, it is a research-level station with a large complement of instrumentation for measuring atmospheric properties from the ground to around 100km. It is located on Ellesmere Island, 15 km from Eureka, a remote weather station, and about 1,100 km from the North Pole. The geographical location is: 80°N, 86°25'W

Ridge Lab

The building housing the Ridge Lab of PEARL was built by the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC), then the Atmospheric Environment Service (AES), in 1992 specifically for the study of stratospheric ozone.

The observatory includes four large laboratories (total area of approximately 120 square meters) and a roof-top observing platform (total floor area of approximately 350 square meters) for instrumentation. It is in all respects a self-contained scientific laboratory. However, it also has: an independent power source (diesel generator); self-contained water and sewage systems; kitchen; limited living quarters; a garage; a small machine shop; and a safe hut away from the main building that can function independently should a disaster befall the main building during extreme weather.

Under normal circumstances personnel live at the Eureka weather station, which has more spacious accommodation and other facilities, and travel to the observatory along the purpose-built road that is passable for practically the entire year.